Ohana4U exists to change the struggle of feeling alone and helping match people into supportive families!
Its an app to connect people with welcoming families!
Our target audience is:
Moms who need more support
-You always hear it takes a village but when many of us look around day in and day out all we have is ourselves.
Teens who aged out of the |foster system without finding a family.
-They deserve a second chance to find their people they can lean on.
The black sheep who has been trying to find your way on your own.
-Standing up for yourself and what you believe in feels like a punishment but its not. Boundaries are important and youre not alone.
People who have moved away from their hometown.
-Leaving everything was hard but leaving everyone felt impossible.
The elders who dont have family.
-Many times people hear about how some people go into a home and never get any visitors, someone wants to visit and learn your story.
People who have been survivors of tragedy.
-It breaks my heart hearing people survived a car crash and lost everyone. Ohana4U is for you.
People who wish they could be adopted as an adult.
-Its not as weird as it sounds.
ANYONE who has a family that would welcome others to their events.
If Im having a cookout or birthday party its an open invitation. I know I cant be the only one.
We live in a world where people dont celebrate things because they dont have people to show up.